Welcome to the book editing services of Troon Harrison, author and editor, B.A. English literature, B.A. sociology, and B.Ed.

Quick stats:
My thirty-seven books are published in numerous translations and countries.
I am published by Bloomsbury, Random, Orchard, Penguin, Scholastic, Kids Can etc.
My work has been nominated for, and won, many awards, and has been animated for YTV and used in Braille publications.
I also love working with words; mine or yours! I offer copy editing and proofreading of novels, nonfiction, and books for junior readers to authors worldwide. For reviews from satisfied clients, please visit my Editing page.​
Further, I copy edit and proofread academic papers in a wide range of disciplines (e.g. medical, pharmacy, genome, and dental research; human geography, sociology, physics, engineering, transportation logistics, political science, education, marine biology, literature, etc.) prior to their publication in specialised journals. I offer the same services for Ph.D. theses.
A fantasy picture book for readers age four and up.

The Birdman won Skipping Stones Honor Award 2019, USA
Red River Stallion nominated for the Manitoba Young Readers Choice Award 2015, Canada
Der Eisdrache won Youth Jury Prize, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture
Red River Stallion starred listing in CCBC's list of Best Children's Books 2013, Canada
The Horse Road nominated for the Panda Award (International Schools) in China 2013
I love to chat about writing, reading, and your editing requirements
so please send me an email!